Saturday, April 2, 2011


Okay, so nobody be mad me because I have waited so long to update everyone!! That just means you get to see alot more. Here are some pictures from things that have been going on lately!!

Whenever you go to Lake Bruin, you have to say "Doin' Bruin." It's the slogan/
We thought this was going to be a cute picture.
Lacy and Landon. aka-the hostesses
Lacy's Lake House
The Pier Just chatting it up

The huge Gar that we fished at night

Hal's Bass
Playing a little pool

Kolby's 21st birthday cake and party with the family!

Family Fishing Day on St. Paddy's Day

The whole group plus the pups!

Hank had a good day
An awesome tree

Cool panorama shot. It looks like it's day on one side of the lake and night on the other.
Me and Hal with my 93 year old great-grandfather (paw-paw tuck)
Our first bit of yard work at the new house!!! and yes I did do some of the yard work and not take pictures the whole time ha.

Hank HATED the blower and barked at it the whole time ha.

That's all I have for now! We have some busy weekends in the days ahead. Hope everyone is doing well and hope we get to see you soon!

We Love You!!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Fun-filled weekend!

This past weekend we went to one of the best weddings we've ever been to. It was so much fun! The wedding was Harrison Hood's, a guy that graduated highschool with Hal. The wedding was at College Hill Presbyterian Church, and the reception was at the Lyric. It was so nice being in Oxford, and weather was perfect. It was also nice because it wasn't a crowded weekend, since everyone had left on spring break. Here are a few pictures of wedding and few other random ones.....

My homemade apple pie. finally got it right after the third try ha.Kolby playing some baseball (they won!)

a beautiful sight

best band ever. so fun!

they gave out the sunglasses as party favors at the end of the night. such a cute idea
My attempt at a panorama shot from the balcony

Beautiful flower arrangement.

Harrison and his wife Jenny l

This weekend we are not sure of our plans. Maybe St. Patty's Day Parade in Jackson??? or maybe a weekend off?? Hope everyone is doing well.

We love y'all. Bye!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!! Hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's with their significant other, or at least enjoyed the beautiful weather that wer are having so far! Just an update on our life this past week...... On Saturday we went to one of Hal's friend's engagement party in Jackson, and we had a great time! After the party, we enjoyed some sushi which was delicious because we don't get it that often anymore! On Sunday night, we watched the Grammy's, and it was so incredible! Also, I have fallen in move with the band Mumford and Sons. They are so good! This coming week should be pretty low-key. They haven't called me to substitute this week yet, and I don't know if this is a good or bad thing. But we do have some GREAT news...... WE ARE GETTING GRASS THIS WEEK!!! We are pretty excited ha (I think that means we are getting old ha). I have posted a few random pictures that I have taken throughout the week. Hope you enjoy, and I will get another update to everyone next week!!

Our Valentine's happy from na-na and pa-pa. We found it on our front doorstep!
So, while I was substituting the sole of my shoe fell apart, and I had to use the teacher's duck tape to tape my shoe together. All the students were laughing a me.
Hal working on the roof! He is standing on top of his car (beee saaafffeee!).
Hal and Hank playing a game of cat and mouse. I'm just playing photographer.
Hank likes to sleep on the top part of our bed. It's his favorite.
Hank was so excited that Hal was home for work. He just wanted to take a nap on his chest.
Hal playing in the church league game. They are still in the playoffs and have a game next Monday at 8, so wish him good luck!!

Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying this beautiful weather we are having!

Love you all, Bye!