Thursday, July 29, 2010

Birthday Boy!!

Happy Birthday Hank!!! Today is his 1st Birthday (which is actually his 7th birthday in dog years)!! They grow up so fast ha!

Yay! Happy Birthday!!!!

Love, Bye!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Mr. and Mrs. Miller!!

Well we are officially Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dewey Miller IV (I love the sound of that)!!! Sorry I haven't posted in a while,but everything has just been so busy with the wedding and everything, but we are back from the Honeymoon (which was incredible)!! Here are some pictures from our trip! Hope you enjoy them!
Beach Part Night - Hal and I got called on stage to dance and to do the limbo
Our Hiking Adventure at the National Park
Doing the Electric Slide
The Love Tunnel (Guarantees You a Happy Marriage)
The Piton Mountains in the Background

Snorkeling Between the Piton Mountains
Walk in Volcano Tour
Bayside Restaurant on the Beach
Water Tricycling on the Ocean
Our Favorite Hammock
Wedding on the Beach
Hal trying to block the sun
St. Lucia Cultural Party and Last Night of the Honeymoon
Last Day of the Honeymoon :(
Amazing Pictures Outside of Our Room

Hope you enjoyed the pictures! I have more, but I think these are good for now! I'll put some wedding pictures up as soon as I get them! We had the BEST time and weren't ready to leave (and we definitely recommend going there)!!! We are now back in Oxford, staying at High Pointe for now, figuring out our future, and enjoying the married life! We can't wait to see everyone again, and please come visit us soon (or we will come find you)!!

Love Love Love, Bye!!