Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!! Hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's with their significant other, or at least enjoyed the beautiful weather that wer are having so far! Just an update on our life this past week...... On Saturday we went to one of Hal's friend's engagement party in Jackson, and we had a great time! After the party, we enjoyed some sushi which was delicious because we don't get it that often anymore! On Sunday night, we watched the Grammy's, and it was so incredible! Also, I have fallen in move with the band Mumford and Sons. They are so good! This coming week should be pretty low-key. They haven't called me to substitute this week yet, and I don't know if this is a good or bad thing. But we do have some GREAT news...... WE ARE GETTING GRASS THIS WEEK!!! We are pretty excited ha (I think that means we are getting old ha). I have posted a few random pictures that I have taken throughout the week. Hope you enjoy, and I will get another update to everyone next week!!

Our Valentine's happy from na-na and pa-pa. We found it on our front doorstep!
So, while I was substituting the sole of my shoe fell apart, and I had to use the teacher's duck tape to tape my shoe together. All the students were laughing a me.
Hal working on the roof! He is standing on top of his car (beee saaafffeee!).
Hal and Hank playing a game of cat and mouse. I'm just playing photographer.
Hank likes to sleep on the top part of our bed. It's his favorite.
Hank was so excited that Hal was home for work. He just wanted to take a nap on his chest.
Hal playing in the church league game. They are still in the playoffs and have a game next Monday at 8, so wish him good luck!!

Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying this beautiful weather we are having!

Love you all, Bye!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Well Helloooooo Everyone!

Hope everyone is doing well!! This weekend we just hung out in the Haven! On Saturday a few of our friends came over, and we just cooked and hung out. VERY low key but VERY enjoyable! On Sunday, I had two teas to go to, and they went very well, and everything was so pretty! We don't have too much going on right now, but we do have a few things. First of all, Hal and the Fair River Flyers have made it to the basketball playoffs! They play on Tuesday, and I hope they have more than five players next week so they can win the championship! I have started substituting at BA, and so far I have taught 4th and 1st grade (I am liking the older ones a little better ha). I have high school and kindergarten next, so please say a little prayer for me ha! I think that's all I have for now! I have put up a few pictures of our house for ya'll to see (we finally have some plants!). We hope to see/talk to everyone soon! WE LOVE YOU, BYE!!!
Our House. I hope the rain slows down soon so we can get some grass, but we are so excited to look out the window and see some greenery!
On the road :)