Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Well Helloooooo Everyone!

Hope everyone is doing well!! This weekend we just hung out in the Haven! On Saturday a few of our friends came over, and we just cooked and hung out. VERY low key but VERY enjoyable! On Sunday, I had two teas to go to, and they went very well, and everything was so pretty! We don't have too much going on right now, but we do have a few things. First of all, Hal and the Fair River Flyers have made it to the basketball playoffs! They play on Tuesday, and I hope they have more than five players next week so they can win the championship! I have started substituting at BA, and so far I have taught 4th and 1st grade (I am liking the older ones a little better ha). I have high school and kindergarten next, so please say a little prayer for me ha! I think that's all I have for now! I have put up a few pictures of our house for ya'll to see (we finally have some plants!). We hope to see/talk to everyone soon! WE LOVE YOU, BYE!!!
Our House. I hope the rain slows down soon so we can get some grass, but we are so excited to look out the window and see some greenery!
On the road :)

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