Monday, May 31, 2010

Beach Time!

I had such a wonderful weekend at Orange Beach with Mallory, Lauren, Maddie, Maegen, Lacey, and Anna!! I wish we could have stayed longer, and I missed everyone who wasn't able to make the trip. Just think though, only 4o more days until the wedding and I get to see everyone and be married to Hal! Woop Woop! We had some very interesting moments at the beach, and the days seemed to last forever (mostly because I woke everyone up at 7am), and because we tried to fit everything in for the two days we were there. We got airbrushed t-shirts, met some 40 year old women that we want to be like when we get older, layed out on the beach, and especially ate a whole whole lot! Diet starts tomorrow for sure (and this is no joke)!Hal went to Birmingham for the weekend and stayed with Matt and Mary Margaret to watch Ole Miss play in the regional tournament, and they didn't play their best but it happens!! That's all I got for now!
Have a good week and Happy Memorial Day!

Love, Bye!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Food For Thought and More

So we only have 57 days until the wedding! Yay! I am at home now just doing some wedding planning and helping out my mom since she has done most of the work. We are about to send out our wedding invitations so be checking your mailboxes! Hal is in Oxford for the summer, so he can buy and sell houses (the real estate business is picking up a little: positive note). I came to Oxford this weekend to see Hal since my parents were going to Starkville for the weekend because it's Mississippi States last weekend for baseball. Just having a relaxing weekend and hanging out. We have been doing a lot of cooking lately (trying to save money), and if you have not tried the Square Table cookbook you have to! It has so many delicious recipes. Hal got it for me for my birthday and I have enjoyed it so much. It has a lot of recipes from the restaurants in Oxford (like City Grocery Shrimp and Grits, yummy!), and tonight we cooked Italian Shrimp and Bacon Fried Rice in the zbook it also has some really old pictures of the square from back in the day. It is really neat to look through. SO CHECK IT OUT!
I hope everyone is doing well! and Hal and I hope to see you soon!
Love, Bye!

Thursday, May 6, 2010


I am officially a college graduate! Yay! I just took my last and final test, and I am so excited! I cannot wait to receive my diplomas in the mail and frame them. Hal is taking me out to eat for my graduation present, and I am really craving Chili's for some reason (maybe it's because Michael Scott hosted the Dundies there, but I don't know). Now if Ole Miss would just accept me into graduate school, I would be one happy camper!! It's only two months until our wedding- OH SO CLOSE :). I just got my camera charged up, so here are some pictures from Double Decker. We had such an amazing time, it was so good to see all of our friends!I would have had more pictures but my camera died :(

ANYWAYS - Hal says, "Have a good summer!"
We Love Ya'll, Bye!