Sunday, August 1, 2010


Hal and I just got back from a great weekend in Jackson! We got there on Friday and went and saw Matt and Mary Margaret's new house, and I love it! It is so cute and has an awesome back patio. I can't wait to see it when it's all done.
The main reason we went to Jackson for the weekend is because Hal's grandfather, Ken Toler, got inducted into the Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame for tennis. It is so exciting and such an incredible achievement. I have posted the link below if anyone wants to read the article about him that was in the Clarion Ledger.

You should read it, because it is really incredible! Hal and I were so glad that we were able to be with him and the rest of the family for such a special moment. On Saturday night we ate at Little Tokyo with Hal's parents which was delicious, and on Sunday we got to see Dot and H and had such a wonderful visit!! We had a great weekend and can't wait to see everyone again.

Also, this weekend we got a new toaster oven, shark vacuum, iron, and caphalon knife set!! I am so excited about using all of it, but I feel so old because that is what excites me now.

Another EXCITING thing that happened on Friday is that one of my best friends Lauren Smith got engaged to Collins Case!!! I am so excited for them and cannot wait for the wedding!!!!!!! Yay!!!!
(I creepily stole this picture from facebook because I love it of them, and I love ya'll!!)

I have more pictures to put up, but I don't have my camera cord (I kinda lost it, oops). I will get them up sometime though. I think that's all I have for now. We hope everyone is doing well!

Hal says, "Congratulations Pop, you da bomb!! and Congratulations to Lauren and Collins!"
Love, Bye!

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