Tuesday, October 19, 2010


As you know by now I have a new favorite song that I have to share! It's by The Band Perry, and it's called "If I Die Young." They are a bluegrass/country band, and it is composed of two brothers and their sister. I have basically looked up everything about the song (I know I am a nerd, but I think it's cool to know) This is their reasoning behind writing the song: "We wanted to write a song about making the most of whatever time you're given- whether it's two years, twenty years, or two hundred years. We have really gotten to live and learn at our young ages. 'If I Die Young,' for us, is if it all ends at this moment look at what we've gotten to do. Whatever time we've been given will be absolutely enough as long as we make the most of it." This song is not the most upbeat song but nonetheless I love it. Check it Out!!! (p.s. my favorite line of the song is at 1:21.) Hal and I are just watching the Rangers Play the Yankees tonight (GO RANGERS!). Hope everyone is doing well!
Love, Bye!

Another fun fact: Part of the song was from the poem "The Lady of Shallot," written by Lord Tennyson!
That's all I got!

1 comment:

  1. HEY! i texted you this song and you thought i was nuts!!!
