Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Homecoming and Kentucky...

This past weekend was jammed pack!! On Friday we went to see my cousin Anna Katelyn at BA's Homecoming. She was selected Football Maid by the football team, and she looked beautiful!!After the Homecoming presentation we went to Oxford (of course) to watch Ole Miss play Kentucky, and they won!!! It was the first game in which all of Hal's friends got to come, so we had the best time!! Here are a few pictures from the weekend... It was so fun!! The next game is on Oct. 30, and I think everyone should go to the game/the Grove dressed up in a Halloween costume and bring candy to give out to kids! I think it is a great idea. Although Lacey won't be there where we can celebrate her birthday/Halloween. This weekend we are going to the coast with Mr. and Mrs. Miller, Kennedy, and William. I am so excited because we are going on a 10 hour red snapper fishing trip. It is my first one, and I am getting broken in well!! Can't wait to everyone again soon!!
Love, Bye!!

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