Friday, April 30, 2010

Music to My Ears

I have a new favorite song (besides American Honey which is still at the top of my list)! It's called "The House that Built Me" by Miranda Lambert! So good and perfect for this rainy day! It also makes me miss my Nannie Lofton. It is almost her birthday, and I miss her everyday but I can't wait until I get to see her again! Love you Nannie!

Hope you enjoy!
Love, Bye!

One More Week!

Well sorry I haven't posted in a while, but this week has been just so busy!! I have had at least 2 tests/projects due everyday this week. To put that into perspective, my breakfast this morning consisted of vanilla ice cream with sprinkles (that is what this week has done for me ha). But it's all over with now! Hal was so sweet all week and cooked dinner for me since I was so busy. One night he cooked City Groceries Shrimp and Grits, and it was unbelievable. So City Grocery if you need a chef, i know where to find one :). Finals are next week and then I will be through with my college career! I know most of ya'll have already gone through this, so I am glad I finally get to join ya'll!
Nothing exciting going on this weekend because of finals and all the rain we are supposed to get, but I am definitely looking forward to it. Hank might be our only source of entertainment.

I leave you with a video that took place in the Ole Miss Student Union this week. If you haven't seen it, it is hilarious, and I wish I could have seen it in person.
Have a good weekend!
Love, Bye!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Lazy Day

Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes!! I wish everyone would have been here to celebrate, but Hal and I celebrated together. We went fishing and went to eat Mexican, and you can never go wrong with that. Every time we go out to Sardis, we always fish off the bank, and every time we can see fish moving and their just a little bit beyond our reach. Well, Hal came up with a brilliant plan or what he thought was going to be a brilliant plan ha. He bought a toy boat from Wal-mart, tied his line to the boat, and sent the boat into the middle of the lake. It was hilarious because everyone thought we were crazy. Unfortunately, we did not catch any fish with the toy boat ha.Ross came and ate dinner with us and bought mine and Hal's meal for our birthdays. So Sweet.
Hal and his boat

Today, was my last day teaching my students at Oxford Elementary. I had such a wonderful time teaching them all semester, and I really think they enjoyed it. They were very entertaining!We asked them to do their favorite sign, and they all threw up the peace sign. (we meant from sign language ha)Then they got it right ha.

Well, that's all I have. Double Decker is this weekend, but because of the rain it is now moved to Sunday! We are also under tornado watches, so we hope to talk to ya'll soon unless we get blown away!!

Love, Bye!
P.s. Yay for Dexter McCluster for getting drafted by the Kansas City Chiefs!!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Hal's Birthday (the day before)

Hal's Birthday is tomorrow!!!!! However, I won't be there to celebrate with him on Saturday because I have my tea this weekend, so I celebrated with him a day early (I wanted him to have two birthdays!!!) We had a great day today. First, we went fishing at Sardis, and we caught a whopping two fish which were tiny ha. We had a
lot of bites but none of them would stay on the line. At one point I thought I caught a HUGE fish, and I was telling Hal to come help me, all the people around us starting watching, and I was really getting into it, but after a minute of doing that I realized it was a caught on a rock. Slightly embarrassing to say the least. Anyway! Here are some pictures from the fishing trip.After Sardis, we went and got some pizza from Little Caesars, and it was very delicious. Then I gave him his birthday cake and presents.Lastly and in honor of Hal's 24th birthday, here are some pictures of Hal from when he was little!! Hope you enjoy (I know I did the first time I saw them)!! He is so cute!Hal, William & Kennedy
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, and don't forget to wish Hal a Happy Birthday!
Love, Bye!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Weekend!

Hal and I had a great weekend!! We had our engagement party in Jackson this weekend and we had an absolutely amazing time. Everything was so beautiful, and the food and desserts were delicious! We got to see so many of our friends and family, and the night went by so quick!! It makes us really excited about the wedding, and we are ready to see everyone again (hopefully very soon).
We also finished ALL of our registering, and Hal is so glad about being done with all of that!! His birthday is this Saturday (April 17), so everyone be sure to wish him a Happy Birthday. He will be 24 years old!! HaHa and yesterday he found a white hair. He is getting so old ha.
It was such a great weekend, and can't wait for the next one. Thank you Abby, Lacey, Mrs. Tricia, Mrs. Kathy, & Toady for taking pictures! I forgot my camera, and I am so glad that ya'll helped me out. Love ya'll!!

Lacey, me, and Hal

Abby, Lauren, Mae, and Jessica
Ha, funny picture.

Matt & Hal
NaNa & me
Mrs. Tricia, Hal, me , and Mr. Miller

Hal, me, Mom, & DadHal & I with our delicious chocolate sculpture (everything was made of chocolate!)

Love, Bye!

Monday, April 5, 2010

A Little Treat

Easter was great this weekend, and after a three day weekend it is so hard to get back into the swing of things sometimes. It feels like I have had a month off for Easter break! Hal and I had a great weekend with our families. Even though we had to spend it apart, we both enjoy spending time with the family. And of course, we both ate wayyy to much!!
Hal and I just wanted to post this video for everyone to watch while we were sitting here watching the Duke and Butler game (and also I am watching Hal workout with my ankle & arm weights- he is so entertaining! ). Anyways, I hope you like this video of this little boys speech at the Boston Red Sox game (& ignore the end of the video after his speech; it's just some advertisement). He is hilarious!! Hope you like it!

Love, Bye!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Gotta Listen

Well, it's just Hank and me tonight, because Hal has already gone home for Easter. We miss him :(.
Anyways, since I am bored I just wanted everyone to hear my new favorite band!!
Lady Antebellum (also called Lady A) is a country band, and they are amazing. The best song they sing (to me) is "American Honey," and you have to listen to it if you haven't already. Makes me really ready for summer. My other favorite song at the moment is by Joe Nichols called "Gimmie that Girl." It is so good when you listen to the words!! Hope you enjoy this little bit of country music!! Love, Bye!