Friday, April 23, 2010

Lazy Day

Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes!! I wish everyone would have been here to celebrate, but Hal and I celebrated together. We went fishing and went to eat Mexican, and you can never go wrong with that. Every time we go out to Sardis, we always fish off the bank, and every time we can see fish moving and their just a little bit beyond our reach. Well, Hal came up with a brilliant plan or what he thought was going to be a brilliant plan ha. He bought a toy boat from Wal-mart, tied his line to the boat, and sent the boat into the middle of the lake. It was hilarious because everyone thought we were crazy. Unfortunately, we did not catch any fish with the toy boat ha.Ross came and ate dinner with us and bought mine and Hal's meal for our birthdays. So Sweet.
Hal and his boat

Today, was my last day teaching my students at Oxford Elementary. I had such a wonderful time teaching them all semester, and I really think they enjoyed it. They were very entertaining!We asked them to do their favorite sign, and they all threw up the peace sign. (we meant from sign language ha)Then they got it right ha.

Well, that's all I have. Double Decker is this weekend, but because of the rain it is now moved to Sunday! We are also under tornado watches, so we hope to talk to ya'll soon unless we get blown away!!

Love, Bye!
P.s. Yay for Dexter McCluster for getting drafted by the Kansas City Chiefs!!

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