Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring Break

Hal and I just got back to Oxford! I had a wonderful week, and I don't want it to be over. The first half of the week, I was able to be at home with the family, and I got A LOT of wedding stuff done which is really exciting! We also celebrated
my brother's birthday which is March 23, and we celebrated by going out to eat with the family and having a camouflage cake which was delicious!Also, mom found this list where people tried to guess different things about me before I was born (male/female, hair color, eye color, weight, etc) There was a whole poster board (front and back) of guesses. However, there were two names that really just stood out: Golda Michelle & Fred-nickname "Bud." Luckily my name would eventually be Kelli Elizabeth, but the other names were interesting ha.On Thursday, Hal & I had our engagement pictures (which turned out so cute!!). After the pictures, Hal, his brother William, and his dad went fishing in Golden Meadow, LA, and they had such a good day of fishing! They caught 32 red-fish, and even had to end their trip early because they caught there limit so early! Chad (their guide) apparently found "the honey hole."On Friday, Hal's mom (Mrs. Tricia) & I met the boys on the Coast, and we had a very relaxing and wonderful weekend (we missed Kennedy, Dot, and H though!)! We ate delicious food the whole weekend! We ate a delicious sushi restaurant called Chef Scott's, where we all got matching hats because it was summertime (at least, that's what we think he said, but we aren't really sure), On Saturday morning we ate Tato-nuts and got some delicious donuts to start off the morning! After donuts, Hal, William, and I went fishing on the pier (which was really cold and windy but FUN!). Spongebob also joined us for a little while, and he is always enjoyable!Later, we played tennis and basketball, ate some lunch, and then that night we ate at an Italian restaurant called, Al-Frescos. William at a calzone that was the size of (I'll quote Mr. Miller on this one), "a deflated football," and won the Man vs. Food challenge. It was very impressive.We were so sad when we had to leave, and I wish we could have stayed longer. Spring Break was a great,relaxing week, and now it's time to start getting busy again! Only 110 days until the wedding! Yay!! I can't wait to see everyone!

Hal says, "Where's the sun? I want to go fishing again!"
Love, Bye!

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