Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Well, I decided to jump on the bandwagon and do the whole blog thing. I actually like it because it helps me keep up with everyone. So, if you do not have a blog- GET ONE NOW. please. Also, I hope you will read mine even though I don't have much to say. Well since this is my first post, I will give you a summary or small update on my life at the moment.
I am in Oxford (of course) and this semester has been my busiest, even though I thought I would have nothing to do. Sign language has become my new favorite thing, and I even teach a second grade gifted class on Fridays at Oxford Elementary. When I first found out that i was teaching a gifted class, I thought that meant special ed, and I was freaking out. BUT come to find out it is the really smart students, so it's all good. They love me too because we play sign language bingo, and I bring prizes (like slinky's), and they call me the language teacher. Last Friday was the 2nd time I taught them, and a little boy (who is a little Hal, so eventually will look like Steve Martin) bought a a sign language book and DVD, because he loved it so much.
Go Isaac!

I also got a little puppy. His name is Hank Williams Byrd after the country singer Hank Williams, and he is a Morkie. He's the sweetest thing ever, but he is a chameleon. Sometimes he is really cute and other times he is really greasy and looks like a rat. BUT I LOVE HIM!


Well that's all I got for now! I miss you all! Hal says hello everyone! Love, Bye!

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